
The Deep State Needs To Be Exposed

The "Deep State" is very real, and it needs to be exposed before it takes down our country.

The video below is just an example. This is not only an explicit threat from Sen. Chuck Schumer to President Trump, it's an open admission that there is indeed a Deep State, and they truly think they are the ones in charge:

The left, under the leadership of people like Schumer, Pelosi, Schiff and Obama have built the Deep State over decades of careful appointments and pressure on government agencies to promote people who are down with the cause and hold back those who potentially may be a problem.

They have stacked the circuit courts like the 9th district with liberal judges who make insane rulings based entirely on partisan political ideology and ignoring the law. They have promoted their soldiers to high positions in the FBI, IRS, State Dept., DOJ, etc. who will do their bidding.

They are playing the long game. The idea is presidents come and go every 4-8 years, but they are there for decades. Anyone who makes too many waves can be dealt with- as witness by the threat from Schumer in this video.

The Deep State needs to be exposed and destroyed or we can no longer claim to have a democracy.

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