
How To End Illegal Immigration Once And For All In The U.S.

With today's news of the death of Indianapolis Colts player Edwin Jackson by a drunk driver who was in the country illegally (twice deported already), it got me thinking about what we need to do to stop illegal immigration.

First- Do what's been widely proposed by Trump and the conservatives- Build The Wall.

When I say Build The Wall, I mean build a common sense southern border. Build physical barriers where needed and feasible and use other means where it makes more sense. Increase border patrol resources- support these good people! Stop as many as you can before they physically enter the country.

Second- Vet visa applicants and restrict visas for high risk countries. It's not racist to want to keep high risk people out. Period.

Increase enforcement of visa over-stays. Track them down. This is currently not being done.

Third- End sanctuary cities/states. This is just ridiculous. Use our existing laws to force these rogue cities and state(s) to cease harboring CRIMINALS! De-fund them. Prosecute rogue Mayors, D.A.'s etc. Stop this madness!

Fourth- End limitless chain migration. Anyone who doesn't think the system is being grossly abused is delusional or wants it abused. Stop it!

Now a couple I never hear talked about:

Fifth- End permanent refugee status. Coming here on a TEMPORARY refugee visa should not be a permanent thing leading to chain migration, anchor babies, etc. etc.

We should take in true refugees from countries experiencing things like civil wars, natural disasters, etc. But once the situation has improved, they should go back. rebuild your own countries of origin.

Sixth- Crack down on U.S. companies who knowingly employ illegal aliens. There are many companies out there who thrive due to cheap illegal labor. If they get caught, hit them with hefty fines, even jail time for the owners.

The argument that we need illegals to "do the jobs Americans refuse to do" is complete bullshit! If market forces were allowed to operate without the cheap pool of illegal labor, wages would naturally rise to a level where us candy ass American's would willingly get our hands dirty. It's pure economics. When they say "do the jobs Americans refuse to do", what they really mean is "do the jobs Americans refuse to do at the wages these employers want to pay".

Make it harder for illegals to find work here and it will stem economic migration. Beef up the E-Verify system and force employers to use it. Prosecute Illegals for using fake documents like Green Cards, State ID's and SS numbers. 

Seventh- Legalize marijuana nationally and consider doing so with all illegal drugs- regulate them.

A significant motivation for illegal immigrant gang activity is the trafficking of illegal drugs in the U.S. The bottom line is Americans, like people almost everywhere, want to get high. Supplying that demand has costs thousands of lives every year in the U.S. and south of our border.

Remove the profit incentive by allowing legitimate regulated U.S. businesses to provide these substances. Deal with reducing demand and treat addiction through other social means.

Eighth- Work with the countries sending us their undesirable immigrants to make things better in their countries.

This may be the most difficult to accomplish, but I think we should be dedicating some of our resources to send aid to these countries. Not handouts, but real infrastructure, education, and economic development. If we can help improve the economies of these other "shithole" countries, the less economic incentive they will have to come here.

By far the biggest problem with illegal immigrants in the U.S. is that we get the bottom of the barrel. The uneducated, unintelligent, and unemployable who's own home countries, like Mexico, have encouraged to leave and come here. Harsh and bluntly put, but the truth.

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