Hey, Mexico Sucks! Let me in por favor! Oh, and Viva Mexico! |
Well it got me thinking about the whole immigration issue with Mexico including DACA, anchor babies, etc.
It seems to me that the argument- if you can call it that- from the left basically boils down to: Mexican citizens should be able to work here, send money back home, no documentation or controls. After all, they "do the jobs American's refuse to do" right?
They should also be able to stay here as long as they want, send their kids to American schools (at American taxpayer expense). They should be eligible for welfare and Medicaid (also at American taxpayer expense). No need to worry about becoming citizens, or even registering as resident aliens under a visa system. Just come and go as you please.
Also, there should be no requirement or even expectation for any sort of assimilation. No need to learn English of course, we'll pander to them in Spanish. Anything else would be considered bigoted and xenophobic.
Perhaps most importantly, they should be allowed to vote. After all, they live here and work here, so logic dictates they should vote (for Democrats of course).
Basically, come and go as you please. Use America's resources as you wish. Contribute if you wish. Just make sure to vote.
The attitude from many Mexicans seems a bit more clear and simple- "Let me in because Mexico is a dangerous shit-hole with a terrible economy, crumbling infrastructure, and tenuous rule of law that can't support or protect it's citizens."
Then once in the U.S. the sense of entitlement takes over and it's pretty much "Fuck you Gringo! There are millions of us here. It's our country now. Oh, and Viva Mexico!"
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