
Viva Mexico!

So yesterday (Sept 16th) was Mexico's independence day. All over the United States there were parades and public celebrations full of Mexican expatriates waving Mexican flags and loudly proclaiming "Viva Mexico!" at the tops of their lungs. Much Bud Light was consumed.

There were also coordinated protests against President Trump and his (sort of) ending of DACA- the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program started by President Obama.

Former Mexican Presidente Vicente Fox even took the opportunity for yet another rant against Trump for treating so badly the millions of his people who had to leave the wonderful, just, and kind country he ran for our cruel, racist, xenophobic, Nazi run hell hole in America to be our brown minimum wage slaves.

Viva Mexico! Green Cards For Everyone!

Every year during Mexico Independence day and Cinco de Mayo when Mexican citizens (some here legally and others not) choose to celebrate their "great" homeland on American soil, I can't help but think about the fact that if Mexico is so wonderful, why do millions of it's citizens feel the need to leave it for the U.S.A.?

The answer of course is obvious. It just seems silly and incredibly disrespectful to their adopted country that our politicians continue to tell us they love and want to make their home. Doesn't it?

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